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Windows XP (SP2) needs an update to connect to WPA2 networks

I was installing a Dovado UMR today and came up against a problem. As a rule, I follow the recommendation to use WPA2 (WiFi Protected Access II) encryption on wireless networks. This was all well and good for the iPods, an iPhone, several laptops and an Xbox using this network, but the wireless adapter on a desktop PC just could not connect.

jaffa cakes

When you come up against a brick wall problem like this, sometimes some time out with a cup of tea and some chocolate biscuits can give you the thinking space you need

At first I suspected that there was an issue with the adapter (a Linksys Wireless-G PCI with Speedbooster), so I tried one of the Xtreamer adapters we stock, but it encountered the same error:

Windows is unable to connect to the selected Network. The Network may no longer be in range.

The PC was running Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) and it turns out that a hotfix update from Microsoft is required in some cases to successfully connect to WPA2 networks. If you have the time, I suppose it might be worthwhile going the distance and installing Service Pack 3 (SP3) in this situation, but for a quick resolution just use a PC with working connectivity to visit the 917021 hotfix page and download the update onto a memory stick or whatever. You may have to run Windows Validation to complete the download.

Posted in Dovado, FAQ, WiFi, Xtreamer.

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5 Responses

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  1. Jamshaid says

    Many many Thanks. It was very useful.

  2. arjanne says

    you are so great!!!

  3. Ash says

    This fixed problem instantly after hours of trying….thanks

  4. tejas says


  5. Rajendra singh yadav says

    Sp2 net problem