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Solving Apple client connectivity problems on Airlink101 ar670w router running dd-wrt

Airlink101 ar670w routerThe ar670w router from Airlink101 is a relatively cheap Chinese-made router, which can easily be flashed with the extremely powerful and flexible dd-wrt open-source firmware.

If you enter AR670W into the dd-wrt router database, it currently states that the latest version supported is v24 preSP2 [beta] Build: 14896. However testing this configuration produced very unsatisfactory results exclusively with Apple wifi clients used: a Macbook, iPhone 3GS and iPod Touch. Wireless connection from these clients was successfully established and maintained, but the internet connectivity would stop functioning after a period measured in minutes. Stopping and re-starting the WiFi interface on the clients restored internet connectivity until the next interruption.

I tried a few configuration adjustments to resolve this show-stopping issue, namely:

  • Reduced the beacon interval from 100ms to 50ms
  • Changed the channel from Auto to a specific channel with least interference in my environment
  • Experimented with different wireless modes: Mixed, N/G-mixed, G-only
  • Toggled the Use DNSmasq option on and off for DHCP

None of these modifications made the slightest bit of difference.

Several posters on the Airlink101 thread on the dd-wrt forum alluded to experiencing similar problems, but there wasn’t really a coherent solution put forward until pages 44-45 of the thread where the consensus coming through is to upgrade to a later build of the firmware: Build 16214.

Happily this build works a treat – no more frustrating outages.

Posted in Products, WiFi.

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4 Responses

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  1. Dennis says

    I had the same problem with my new iPad and iPhone 3GS when I installed DD-WRT on my Airlink101 AR670W router. I also changed many of the same configuration settings you did without success. What finally fixed my connections issues was to upgrade to firmware build 16214. Thank you.

  2. brian says

    I had the same problem with my iPhone, tried the same solutions listed. Just upgraded firmware and so far it’s looking good. Thank you very much!

  3. Trip says

    Thanks very much. This version of the firmware solved all of my connection problems. But my 300n devices only connect at 150 and lower. I wonder why?

  4. Arek says

    I tried updating to the build 16214 firmware, but now my router will not connect to my ISP (DSL). Any idea why?