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Where can I buy a TellStick?

TellStick from Telldus Technologies
The TellStick is a USB dongle device that enables remote control of electrical appliances in your home. The TellStick can be used with the Dovado 4GR giving you access to home automation via SMS or the Internet. The device can also be used directly on a PC using the software provided by Swedish manufacturer, Telldus Technologies.

The TellStick will soon be available to buy online here (worldwide delivery) and from Commsoft Ltd (Ireland).

Clas Ohlson stores come to EnglandIn England, the relatively new Clas Ohlson stores should have the TellStick in stock. At the time of writing Clas Ohlson currently have stores in:

  • London – Croydon
  • London – Kingston
  • Manchester – Arndale centre
  • Reading
  • Watford

with new stores opening next week in:

  • Leeds
  • Liverpool

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  1. James fry says

    UK customers can buy it at